Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Today will have more Lovez than hatez. Possibly.
Hank Azaria.


How do you not love Hank Azaria? By not appreciating his role as Phoebe's ex-lover David who moved to Minsk. Or not loving Moe or Chief Wiggum or Professor Frink or the Comic Book Guy or Apu or pretty much the The Simpsons period. What is wrong with you? You should be ashamed. This man is pure gold. Also, just look at that smile!

Next Lovez:
Boiled Peanuts


Boiled peanuts are delicious. They also come in cajun. Who doesn't love foodz that come with options? Only terrorists, I think. I feel bad for people who aren't from the South because they usually have not had the glory to experience God's little grown-under-ground gift to the world. He let you win the war, but who's really the winner here? The only food I've had in the North we don't have here is scrapple. Oh, what's that? You're contemplating a move? Go figure.

Edit: This is scrapple.

This is a big one. This woman is the bane of my existence.

Ughhhhh. Just looking at her gives me chills. Or fills me with hate. Either or. Let me count the ways I hate this gargoyle-ish freak.
1. She looks like a monster. From her over worked out body to her over worked on face, she is constantly reminding me of some movie creature that scared me as a child (picture #1: think Gollum, #2, Willy Wonka. So I'm scared a bit easy? Eat me.)
2. She is not musically talented. Now, ok, you think "Well, she's a Pop artist, they never really are." and I agree, but Britney Spears has always been nice to look at or entertaining to watch, so you could just sort of plug your ears. Madonna did have a nice run back in the eighties, but good God, give it up already. That song Ray of Light made me want to punch myself in the face.
3. She's one of those religious/works out too much/humanitarian celebrities. This should potentially not bother me. Potentially. If she didn't have a billion dollars, she wouldn't give a shit about third world countries. If she didn't have a billion dollars, she also wouldn't have some personal trainer bitch follow her around and make sure she only ingests water and wheat grass. And if she didn't have a billion dollars, she wouldn't have had the time to find anything out about Kaballah and would probably just sit in her trailer and chain smoke. And still look like an alien.
4. Evita.

1 comment:

  1. Hey WTF is this stuff?! Are you outlandish or something?

    Nah seriously, your blog is great. Congratulations on slaughtering Madonna. Her pictures should be protected with a special aura for men: click to enlarge and kiss your erections goodbye.
